“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

Giving back
Color of Change
“Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 1.7 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America."
- Colors of Change
"I choose to support racial justice everyday. I have joined Color of Change and take action in their campaigns that fight for justice for Black Lives.”
Giving back
Cleaning up our oceans
“The ocean holds ample biodiversity throughout both ecosystems and species. Marine waters cover more than two thirds of the surface of the Earth and are very important for the overall health of both the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. We give each month to Oceans.com so they can remove one ton of plastic per month from our diverse and beautiful waterways. At each ocean we visit, we give a day to clean up and picking up trash along the shore line.”

Giving back
Protecting the rainforest
“Rainforests are the undisputed champions of biodiversity among the world's ecosystems, containing far higher numbers of species on a per-area basis relative to sub-tropical, temperate, and boreal ecosystems. We give to Amazon Watch which fights the destruction of the Amazon, supports Indigenous rights, and finds climate justice solutions. Also, Rainforest Action Network that preserves forests, protects the climate, and upholds human rights.”

Giving back
Covenant House Houston
“We donate time and services to Covenant House Houston to support and house our youth. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives and everyone has a little extra time to give to those in need. Please visit www.covenanthousetx.org to find out how you can help.”

Giving back
Local Animal Shelters
“We volunteer our time at local shleters and rescues because every life deserves a nice place to sleep and a loving family. Rescues do amazing work! We photograph animals to help with their addoptions to forever homes.”

Giving back
Vegan Outreach
“We give to and volunteer with vegan non-profit groups to promote peace and harmony between all of earth's creatures no matter how big or small. Please check out Vegan Outreach, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Farm Sanctuary.”

Giving back
People In Need
“Every month we visit nursing homes and visit with those who may not have the love and support that everyone needs at every stage of their lives. We play games, take photos, sing songs and bring joy and laughter to their lives.”